Friday, October 21, 2011

pillow walls and crime shows.

So I survived my three days without the hubs last week (while he was on tour).  In the process I made two very important discoveries regarding my sleeping habits.  One, I am no longer used to sleeping in bed alone.  I finally had to create a pillow wall (to simulate my hubby taking over my side of the bed) in order to get any sleep at all.  Two, I love to watch crime shows, but should not watch them before I go to bed when I am home alone.  (Especially the episodes with the creepy home videos. You know the ones where it is dark and the video is all jumpy and people are screaming and you can't tell what is happening and then they all die? yeah, those ones.)

Hubby made it home safe and had a great tour.  He also had Monday and Tuesday off this week and I had Monday and Tuesday off this week which meant awesome together time!  Monday we drove out of the city and wandered around an outlet mall and did some grocery shopping.  Then we were able to have some great friends over on Tuesday for dinner, pumpkin carving and a creepy movie (don't worry, I didn't get too scared this time because Hubby was home).  It all made for a brilliant weekend!  :-)

So far this week has just been filled with work and rain.  We will wait and see how it finishes up.

With love.

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